We are four grassroots organizations working together
40 years ago Father Joseph Philippe, CSSP, began to create grassroots organizations to uplift the rural poor in Haiti. Today, his vision includes a farmer's union, the country's biggest micro-finance bank, a university and a religious order of women.
Imagine these four non-profit organizations working together. That is the job of Father Joseph Network. To facilitate collaboration between the NGOs on large-scale projects, to increase their reach and have a greater impact on the lives of rural Haitians.
Father Joseph Network USA was created in 2021 to raise funds and bring technical and logistical assistance to such cross-over projects.The Peasant Association of Fondwa, APF, has been helping to organize the rural poor since it was founded by Father Joseph, in 1988.
A Microfinance Bank
Haiti's largest micro-finance bank, Fonkoze, has been serving the organized poor, and especially women, throughout the country since it was founded by Father Joseph, in 1994.
49 Branch offices throughout Haiti
A 5-year University
The University of Fondwa, UNIF, the first university in rural Haiti, was founded in 2004. It confers five-year degrees in business, agronomy and veterinary medicine.UNIF graduates
UNIF Administration
A Religious Order
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Anthony of Fondwa, CSSAF, was founded by Father Joseph, in 1996. It runs a school, orphanage and vocational programs for adults.
Moving From Charity to the Spirit of Entrepreneurship
Father Joseph Network nurtures collaboration between the four organizations founded by Father Joseph Philippe, CSSP.
This nation-wide network is helping to organize and empower the economically poor in rural Haiti, so they can transform their own lives and give back to their communities.
You can help FJN USA raise funds, provide technical assistance and become ambassadors for FJN's impactful work.
Eroded farmland can become and edible forest
Frederic with Fondwa farmer
Agr Lesly Joseph instructs at the University of Fondwa
FJN is working with APF and UNIF to create hands-on, full-scale, outdoor spaces for teaching the principles of climate-smart, sustainable agriculture and ecosystem restoration.
Hosted by the University of Fondwa, these farm-schools will welcome everybody to observe these new techniques.
Everyone can lend a hand: farming families, university and high school students, agronomists, elected officials.
Follow the Fondwa Agroforestry farm school on Frédéric's website.Sisters of the AKESNA order of Compagnons of Jesus
Anne Petrov, Executive Director FJN USA with Sister Céline of the AKESNA Order of Saint Anthony of Fondwa
Local Development Committees (LDC) develop locally-available resources for the benefit of all people living in the same rural district. LDC members are municipal representatives, business-owners, and farmers.
So far, APF has created 35 LDCs throughout the country. Now, the LDCs are drawing on the other organizations of Father Joseph's network.
FJN is helping to bring the hard-working AKESNA nuns and brothers to join their local LDC. And each LDC will select their 3 brightest students to attend UNIF, on full scholarship.
With your help, FJN USA can develop a network of LDCs, to rebuild Haiti.Creating an LDC in southern Haiti, in the district of Jacmel La Vallée